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Tooth-Colored Fillings – McKinney, TX

Metal-Free Fillings Improve Your Smile

If you’ve had dental fillings placed before, you were probably familiar with the gray sheen they give off when light reflects off of your smile. This reason is one of many that people give when they try to avoid having cavities filled. Thankfully, research and advances in dental materials have shown that using tooth-colored fillings to replace teeth is a viable alternative to traditional amalgam varieties.

By visiting our dentists at Oakbrook Dental and Orthodontics, you can have your damaged teeth restored with durable and natural-looking composite resin tooth-colored fillings from our McKinney, TX dentist. Contact our dental office today to schedule your next appointment!

A person receiving tooth colored fillings

What are Tooth-Colored Fillings Made Of?

Tooth-colored fillings are made up of composite resin, a mixture that contains plastic and glass. This is far from the materials used in amalgam fillings, which usually includes nickel, copper, tin and of course mercury. Composite resin is far more moldable than amalgam, making it ideal for filling uniquely shaped cavities in teeth without removing existing tooth enamel, which is almost always the case when placing amalgam.


Composite resin is also used for cosmetic procedures like direct bonding, which is typically reserved for hiding cosmetic chips and cracks in teeth. The material is also biocompatible, making it ideal for those who are concerned with placing certain materials in their mouth.

A capsule filled with composite resin for tooth colored fillings

Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

The most obvious benefit of tooth-colored fillings is their appearance. Composite resin can be shaded to match the color of your existing tooth almost exactly, making the filling indistinguishable from the rest of your smile. If you have damaged teeth that are visible in your smile, tooth-colored fillings are going to be your best option for restoring them.

Furthermore, composite resin does not expand and contract like amalgam does after several years of use. This expansion often leads to the remaining tooth structure breaking down further as cold and hot foods come into contact with them. Since composite resin does not respond in this way, it makes them ideal as a dental filling material. If you struggle with teeth sensitivity because of amalgam fillings, you’ll likely gain some relief by having yours replaced.

A set of teeth after receiving tooth-colored fillings

How are Tooth-Colored Fillings Placed?

After thorough examination, our dentists will numb the area around your damaged tooth to prevent discomfort during placement. Then, they’ll remove any damaged tissue that is present and place an etchant material on your tooth. This allows the composite resin to better adhere once it’s shaped and molded inside your cavity. Once properly shaped, we’ll harden the material with a special curing light. The entire process is typically completed in just one visit.

A woman pointing at her smile after tooth colored fillings

Caring for Your Tooth-Colored Fillings

Maintaining your dental fillings is a simple as practicing daily at-home oral hygiene and visiting our dental office once every six months for checkups and cleanings! Just make sure to use a waxed or monofilament floss to reduce the risk of it catching and tearing on your filling. Always use a fluoridated toothpaste while brushing and switch to a soft-bristled brush if you haven’t already. Softer bristles prevent you from accidentally wearing down natural enamel as well as restorations.